Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) is a higher education and research organization established on 01/10/2009 as merger of Universität Karlsruhe, one of Germany’s leading research universities, and Forschungszentrum one of the largest research centres in the Helmholtz Association. The project work will be carried out by the Institute of Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis (ITAS), which is an institute of KIT. ITAS supports politics, science, business and the general public in future decision making. The institute applies and develops methods of technology assessment, systems analysis and technology foresight. ITAS carries out self-defined research work, as well as third party funded and contract research. In the parliamentary area, ITAS has been operating the Office of Technology Assessment at the German Parliament (TAB) since 1990.
Key Personnel:
Miltos Ladikas
Michael Decker
Leonhard Hennen